Time is redeemed by God
We become discouraged when we feel like what society has said where we should be. I used to compare myself to many of my old college friends. A lot of them went on to finish college and are now married. I didn't finish and I am not yet married. Comparing oneself with others is the thief of one's happiness. Are you aware that our God is a redeemer of time? Redeeming means to reclaim something. After dropping out of college, I returned to finish. I was 30 years old at the time. But who cares! I did it. And you can too. So, stop beating yourself up and thinking that you are too late or that you have not enough time. Whatever your heart desires, whether it's going back to school, starting a career, starting a business or getting married. You can still do it because God redeems the time. On Instagram, I saw a post where some of the most influential people didn't have everything figured out at the age of 30. Oprah Winfrey moved to Chicago to host a TV show with a low rating. Steve Harvey was homeless. It wasn't until later in life that these influential individuals found their purpose. My pastor always says God created time, but He doesn’t need it He goes in time to deposit everything we need, and we advance in time to possess it”. Therefore, allow this time or season you are in, to allow God to deposit what is needed for your next. Don’t rush it! Don't allow society or comparison to rush it either. Remember, we have not created the time God has made, so learn to trust in His time because His timing is perfect. But don't forget when He says to move… MOVE because time and seasons do change.