Healing Hurts
Healing is required for our next phase in life. When we harbor on the damage that was caused by others, we can potentially cause further damage to ourselves. That’s why healing is so essential. I can be honest, healing hurts. It’s an extremely uncomfortable phase, but it develops us for our next chapter. When you are bleeding from the past hurt, you can bleed on others. As I would call it make the other person pay for the mistakes of others. A bandage doesn’t work but tending to that wound helps with the healing. Healing takes requires a lot of purging. You go through a spiritual detox. It’s a process, and it doesn’t happen overnight. I recall a season in my life when I thought I was healed because walking away from a situation caused me to think I was healed. Then I was faced with the same situation and it showed me I was wasn’t healed. Some thing that I have battled with is my emotions. Some of the choices I have made in my past caused me to walk in grief and depression at times. I was carrying so much emotionally that one trigger would provoke me to revert back. Our emotions are truly powerful. I never realized that healing required me to face the emotional damage. I left it unaddressed because I assumed I was healed. I would think I was ok until it was time to go to sleep at night and that thing would eat away at me. I would even dream about. I truly think God was letting me know to deal with this issue so I can move on. So I finally acknowledged it and started working to place that pain in my rewear-view mirror of life (the past). We have become so accustomed to sweeping everything under the rug. Until all the junk we have swept is starting to pile up and it appears to get in the way of our progress, which leads to us to stumble over it. I was tripping over all my debris. When going through the healing process, you are surrendering yourself of every negative emotion. Weather its resentment, trouble, pain, depression, anxiety, fear, etc. You are restoring your spirit from the elements you assumed were normal. You are being broken down to be built back up into your better self. Lifestyles and surroundings have to shift. I can be honest change doesn’t feel good, but it’s needed. Remember, you hold the key to your destiny. You can be a hinderance to your own destiny if you don’t heal from your past. The decision is on you !